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Active Puzzles
Active Puzzles famous logic (puzzle) is a set of games. It includes 5 games.
"Active Puzzles famous logic (puzzle) games. This contains a series of 5 games."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Active Sporting famous logic (puzzle) games. Is a set
This includes 5 games:
- Clear Spot
- Fifteen
- Two
- Miner
- TicTacToe
Clear Spot Find - to make all cells free, try clicking on them.
cells to be free, but near free cells --
Fifteen - original game with pictures instead of numbers Clicked occupation.
Two Find - to find all double pictures and open all the cells.
Miner - 15 mines in open areas.
TicTacToe - play against the computer. Active Puzzles 1.0 free download now you can.
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